What we speak often comes from somewhere else. Our first words were very likely our best imitations of what our parents said to us. As we grow up we repeat what we hear in class, from friends, from books we read. We develop our own style and original ideas over time, but if we’re honest a huge percentage of the words and ideas that come out of our mouths were, in some way or another, put there by someone else. And that person is probably just repeating to some extent what he or she heard in another context.
When Jeremiah was called to be a prophet, he responded that he . . . . didn’t know how to speak. God, in a dramatic way, reached out his hand and touched {[Jeremiah’s] mouth and said to [Jeremiah]: “I have put my words in your mouth (Jeremiah 1:9).
If we’re to go out and speak on the Lord’s behalf, that has to be the picture. We say what God has given us to say.
It’s dangerous to talk about God’s kingdom, faith, salvation, and forgiveness with teachings that are not from God, even if it’s done unknowingly. Have we ever spoken of “God’s will” more because it lines up with what we want than with the Word? Is it possible we’ve repeated phrases we’ve heard on Christian radio or books or from psychologists without really knowing if they reflect the Scriptures?
Without the benefit of God literally reaching out and putting his Word in our mouths, we know what he would have us do. Open our Bibles! Listen to good preaching. Meditate on the Word. Although church leaders are specifically called to watch over the Bible’s teaching, the whole family of faith also has the responsibility to speak with God’s words.
God has given us his Word. Let that be the message that comes out of our mouths!