The Anointed One Speaks the Truth in His Hometown
“Ouch! That doesn’t feel good.” A manager is told she’s not ready to get a promotion to the next level even though the job is available. A guy asks a girl to dinner and she says she’s not interested. A parent has to live with his or her child being very upset at discipline and refusing to speak.
Being rejected is not fun. It’s painful. We almost universally assume right away that we have somehow failed, or that something is wrong with us. Truth be told, that’s a mixed-up perception on our part. Rejection does not equal failure. Sure, there can be some feedback on what we can do better, and maybe we did do something wrong. But it’s not necessarily a problem on our side at all. Maybe we did things right and there are other reasons it didn’t work out.
Everyone’s been rejected on some level in life. Does that mean no one has value? We know that’s not the case. It’s just part and parcel of our experience on earth.
Maybe we can find a “rejection-free” experience in the Christian faith? That would be nice, but . . . . it’s also not the case. All believers faced people who did not like their faith or the principles God taught them.
Jesus, Son of God and Son of man, was rejected. And often. One day early in his ministry he went to his hometown of Nazareth and preached in the local synagogue. Only words of truth and hope. Good news and freedom! The Lord’s favor for all people in the world! The Anointed One from prophecy was standing before them!
Who could possibly be upset at this preaching? The Nazarenes sure were. They did not like a Messiah for those who were outside the nation of Israel. Their anger took them to the point of wanting to toss Jesus over a cliff and be rid of him. However, it was not Jesus’ time, so he walked right through the crowd and went on with life. None of their opinions that day changed his teaching or mission.
Rejection and criticism of our faith will happen from time to time. That’s not a failure of our following of Christ, and most definitely not a failure of God’s Word and the gospel. We face opposition with the strength of the Lord. We have been fully accepted, forgiven and saved by Jesus, the Anointed One, who preached good news to us as well. Others’ opinions don’t change our commitment to God or thankfulness for his grace and mercy.
The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor. (Luke 4:18)