It’s just a coincidence, as far as I know, that our congregation’s anniversary is right around the time of Thanksgiving. But it sure is an appropriate coincidence! An anniversary is a perfect moment to be thankful, and thankful for God’s work in and through the people of our church, Abiding Word.
2 We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. 3 We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3)
Just like any person or group we’re around all the time, we can at times take them for granted. We might assume they’ll always be there and that all that happens in a church . . . . will just automatically continue to happen. Or we find little things to nick-pick about the way they do things or their personality. But in the big ways that really matter, and overshadow any differences, what a blessing our faith family is to us.
Maybe you’ve been away from or less connected to the body of believers at different stages of your life. I’ve had times when I was living outside the country and had fewer strong believers around me. Those times help to renew our appreciation for our brothers and sisters in the Lord.
We love everyone in Christ. Everyone is our neighbor. Of course, not everyone in your circle of friends and family has the powerful and deep conviction of the gospel in their hearts. There’s something truly special about being around someone who shares that with us.
Let each other know that you’re really glad they’re seated next to you hearing the same Word of God on Sunday morning. Tell one another you’re grateful they care about faith in Christ and his teaching. Make sure you thank everyone for their Christian service among us. They are all great reasons to give thanks to our gracious God!